Project Map

The Crossroads Solar Grazing Center will occupy up to 611 acres within Westfield, Lincoln, and Cardington Townships. The interactive map below allows you to view different aspects and areas of the proposed facility. This map is fully interactive, meaning you can adjust the zoom, background, and features to review the aspects or area of the project that are most important to you. We have physical copies of maps like this in our office for review and encourage you to drop by or schedule a time to meet. Below are helpful tips for how to navigate and manipulate this map:

  • Tools - From left to right these icons represent “Search”, “Return to Starting Point”, “Legend”, “Layers”, and “Basemaps”

  • Search - You can use search to find an address or place

  • Return to Starting Point - If you get too zoomed in or out (or pan too far East or West), pressing this button returns you to the center of the project area at the original zoom

  • Legend - The legend shows active layers and is permanently shown by default on the left of the map

  • Layers - Layers show different features such as parcel boundaries, municipal boundaries, ecological features, points of interest, and project infrastructure and project area. You can toggle these layers on and off by pressing the icon that looks like a stack of paper and pressing the eye icon next to a layer name. By removing layers (you can always add them back) the map can be made less confusing and show just the information that you want to see.

  • Base maps - The default base map is an aerial image but you can view topography, street maps, or many different styles of maps. Some base maps may make it easier to view certain layers. By clicking on the base map icon (four smaller squares) you can choose which map background that you’d like to see.

Map Features Explained:

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) - This system monitors and controls the solar project and is composed of fiberoptic cabling and small control boxes throughout the site.

Inverters - Central inverters are placed throughout the site and collect direct current electricity and convert the electricity to alternating current while upping the voltage from 1500v to 34.5kV.

Access Gates and Roads - Gate locations are subject to local driveway restrictions. Gates are secure points of entry to the project area. Internal gravel access roads are for project construction and maintenance.

Laydown Yards - These are temporary gravel lots used during construction for staging and equipment storage.

Vegetative Screening - Where visible to the public, the perimeter of the project features proposed landscaping, except where existing vegetation (trees, shrubs, etc.) serves to screen equipment. For more information please see the Preliminary Landscaping Plan in the permit application.