Clean, Low-Cost Power and Long-Term Revenue for Morrow County
Crossroads Solar Grazing Center
Crossroads is a proposed dual-use solar energy and lamb production facility located in Westfield, Lincoln, and Cardington Townships in Morrow County, Ohio. The project will have the ability to generate up to 94 MW of power and will occupy up to 611 acres of agricultural land planted with native grasses and other vegetation and can be returned to farming after 40 years. The grass inside the facility will be maintained primarily by grazing sheep. A map of the project is available here.
The project is being developed by Open Road Renewables in partnership with local farmers and landowners. Open Road is a renewable energy company focused on developing utility-scale clean energy projects in the United States. Open Road’s highly experienced team is on a mission to make the promise of clean energy and economic security a reality for communities across the country. We are committed to being an excellent local partner by supporting the community's needs, soliciting feedback, and making ourselves accessible to all of Morrow County.
Local Benefits
Installing solar arrays on private property in Morrow County will generate significant economic and ecological benefits for the entire community.
Solar allows landowners and farmers to diversify their income, plan for retirement, or even put their kids through college, while preserving the land for their future generations. Outside of the benefits to the participating landowners, communities benefit from the increased tax revenue generated by solar projects. Revenue from Crossroads will support Morrow County, the Cardington-Lincoln Local School District, critical service-providing agencies like emergency services, career centers, and other local tax jurisdictions.
Benefits of a 94 MW solar facility include:
$846,000 in new annual revenue for Morrow County, including approximately 350,000 in new revenue for the Cardington-Lincoln Local School District each year*
Over 180 new OH-based construction jobs and 2-3 operations jobs*
Cheap, clean, local energy
Improved energy independence (OH is net importer of electricity)
Downward pressure on wholesale power prices (solar is the cheapest source of new electricity generation)
Protection of farmland from permanent loss to real estate development
*Assumes approval of the proposed QEP/PILOT
Minimal Impact
Modern solar farms consist of thousands of solar modules mounted on racks that are attached to steel posts driven directly into the soil without the use of poured concrete. Existing drainage patterns are preserved or improved and the entire site is planted with hardy, native grasses. Crossroads will be required to decommission the facility and return the site substantially to its original, agricultural condition upon completion of the project (in 40 years), as well as to post a bond to cover those obligations.
The Open Road Renewables team developed the 200 MW Hillcrest Solar Project in Brown County, Ohio as well as the 150 MW Willowbrook Solar Project in Highland County, Ohio and is actively developing best-in-class solar projects across the state.